Pros and Cons of Bottled H2O

 Yes, it's cancerous plastic filled with tap water . . .

Video:  There are so many reasons not to drink bottled water that can be explained in a mere sixty seconds, and this film hits a few of them.

. . . but, the water's safer . . . right?

Chart:  The above pie chart displays the results of a poll taken about why people drink bottled water over tap, the most common reason is that they are worried that tap water isn't safe, a fallacy as tap water regulations are far stricter than those of bottled water.

Credit for chart goes to:

Yes, it takes more water and oil to create a water bottle than can be stored inside it . . .

Video:  This film depicts what our wasteful water bottle usage would look like to an outsider; pointless to the point that it's absolutely inexplicable.

. . . but, you get five minutes of enjoyment.

Image:  The feeling the ad stirs up is one of relief; thirst is quenched in one cool refreshing sip.  But, a glass of tap water with three ice cubes floating at the top would yield the same thought, so the question we must ask ourselves is, "what's the difference?".
Credit for image goes to:

Yes, tons of water bottles are used and few are recycled . . .

Video:  The water bottles keep on falling, as New Trier students, Chicagolanders, and the United States continue to buy bottled water and throw it away.

. . . but . . . shoot, I appear to have ran out of pros.

Yes, with the exception of Biota, most water bottles are non-biodegradable . . .

Image:  The image below is a graveyard of the used water bottles, their purpose has been filled and now they go either to the landfill or the recycling plant.

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. . . but . . . nope, still can't think of any more pros.

A global citizen would stop

this, not perpetuate it.